About Me - Sourial Art

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Maggie Sourial, born in the beautiful Egyptian city of Cairo in 1951, began her journey as an artist at Bon Pasteur- a French Nun school- where she learned mediums such as needle point and drawing. Her mother, who attended Italian art school Don Bosco, is one of Maggie’s creative influences. Both talented women combine different mediums of art in their work, her mother frequently using charcoal.

In the late 70’s, Maggie packed her bags for New York City, in search of the ‘American Dream.’ She attended St. John’s University for her Master’s in Reinsurance and Financing. Maggie was soon living that American Dream-
She had two wonderful children and a successful career. She had worked her way up to Assistant VP of Scor Reinsurance, then moved on to be Director in Transatlantic Reinsurance and retired in 1/3/2025. Though Maggie had always held onto her roots, it wasn’t until her separation from her husband that she was able to fall back in love-with art.

Maggie Sourial
Maggie had a household to run and a job to maintain, but she persevered. She focused on herself, family, travelling, and art. In the last few years, while continuing her full time career, Maggie has finished several classes at the New York Student Art League, and also worked under abstract artist Bassmi Milad. Maggie is ready to share her art with the world, and she says, “if you really have a dream, and you pursue it, you can reach your dream.”

How it all began
Today I am sharing with you my art studio and my art journey.
It all began almost two years ago after I attended the gallery opening of my relative and mentor Bassmi Ibrahim at "The Lowes Gallery" in Atlanta in November 2017

After the beautiful Gallery exhibition, we went to the High Museum of Art which we spent few hours and I was inspired by Wassly W. Kandinsky a Russian painter and art theorist and Viz Muniz a Brazilian artist who is working with a dizzying array of unconventional materials.

I told Bassmi in this day that "I can do this" and it was my first time that I revealed my love and interest to painting and collage.

I was always doing some kind of hobby or art in my youth like stained glass, jewellery making, knitting, needlepoint or sawing my own and my daughter clothes thank to my mother who really cultivated in me the love for art making, colour coordinating and the eye and feel for beauty and music.
My mother was a housewife who played the piano and made beautiful drawings with Charcoal and Water Colours in addition to many other hobbies.
Last year I took 4 days crash course at Basmi's art studio in Florida and attended one semester at the Art Student League of New York.

I painted so many small arts, few collages, made lots of mistakes and lost in defining my own Theme and Artistic Style but without going through these levels you really don't know where is your style!

Now I am at the stage of learning to be consistent and one day I will find my Artistic Style.

I am also sharing with you my new in progress painting which I am still in the process and not sure if I will keep it all as painting by adding more design to the left or to incorporate collage in it? will see.

I am grateful for all my friends and family who support me and keeps me in the go.
Thank you for reading my memoir
Created by J
Sourial Art
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